Proalides wulferti Sudzuki, 1959 |
Proalides wulferti, lateral view, focal plane on the dorsal antenna and the red eyespot. |
Proalides wulferti, another specimen lateral view, carrying an egg. |
Proalides wulferti, same specimen as above, dorsoventral view. |
Proalides wulferti, trophi, different focus planes. The malleate trophi of P. wulferti differ in two aspects from the trophi of Proalides tentaculatus: 1. apophysis on the fulcrum (upper left image, arrowhead) and 2. alulae on the rami (upper right image; arrows) |
Location: Lago di Massaciuccoli / Torre del Lago P. / Toscany / Italy |
Habitat: Plankton |
Date: 11.10. - 12.10.2012 |